Time flies when you're really, really busy!

It's apparently been 2 1/2 months since I last wrote an entry.    But, this is what I've been doing in the meantime!

The Shop in progress.

The Shop in progress.

The studio at 30 Bagaduce Road was in excellent shape.  I didn't need to repaint,  I just washed everything - floor, walls etc.  And....ta-da!!!

Eco Printed Linen Tunic, Nuno Felt Scarf or Hanging (natural colored supefine merino wool, tussah silk, backed with cashmere) - oh yes, and the jade tree I've been dragging around with me for 12 years.  It seems to be very happy here.

Eco Printed Linen Tunic, Nuno Felt Scarf or Hanging (natural colored supefine merino wool, tussah silk, backed with cashmere) - oh yes, and the jade tree I've been dragging around with me for 12 years.  It seems to be very happy here.

Nuno felted shawls

Nuno felted shawls

Eco Prints, Nuno Felt and Indigo Shibori Wall Pieces
Indigo Scarves
Magic Wands - handmade nuno felt, ribbons, lots of magic!  My lovely assistant almost turned me into a duck!

Magic Wands - handmade nuno felt, ribbons, lots of magic!  My lovely assistant almost turned me into a duck!

Heart Garlands by Michele Levesque.  These gorgeous garlands are made from recycled book pages and origami paper, sewn with cotton thread.

Heart Garlands by Michele Levesque.  These gorgeous garlands are made from recycled book pages and origami paper, sewn with cotton thread.